Salted Caramel Chocolate Cupcakes
This is maybe the best frosting I've tasted in a long time - so yummy!! Who needs the cake to go w/ it? ;) But, if you do, then I adjusted a box mix a little to make it yummier! Cake 1 box Pillsbury Devils Food cake mix (or whatever you like to use) 4 eggs 1/2 cup veg. oil 1 cup milk Mix until well combined. I used the Mini Muffin Tray and Small Round Mold. Preheat oven to 340 and place the muffin tray and mold next to each other on the Large Perforated Baking Sheet. Fill the muffin tray about 2/3 full and then fill the mold with remaining batter. Bake for 18 minutes, remove Muffin tray but keep mold in oven and bake the Mold an additional 8-10 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool completely. Because I wanted to get them done sooner rather than later, after about 15 minutes, I put the cupcakes in the freezer for about 5 minutes, then I unmolded them super quickly and easily! I frosted right away. Frosting Adapted from this delicious reci...